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Friends of the Corvallis Watershed

Protect the
Corvallis Watershed

Vote for the
Grassroots Slate running for
Corvallis City Council...

Quotes from the Grassroots Slate:

"Our City has consistently deprioritized and underfunded climate action. As young leaders in our community, we know that we don’t have time to wait. We need city councilors that understand climate science and climate policy and are willing to act boldly in the face of industry opposition."

"End all logging in the Corvallis Watershed, which will improve the quality of our local drinking water, enhance carbon storage, and save money on water treatment."

Next Corvallis Forest Task Force meeting:
Wednesday, August 28, 5 p.m.
Madison Avenue Meeting Room

Register to attend on-line here
Meeting agenda here


Logging roads in city watershed impact water supply

This past April, Friends of the Corvallis Watershed advocates Doug Pollock & Jim Fairchild photographed the poorly maintained roads managed by the Siuslaw National Forest in the city's water catchment area, after the Forest Service claimed they maintained logging roads to a "gold standard." See more photos of roads and excessive logging in the city's watershed on our NEW PAGE: "SIUSLAW LOGGING IMPACTS"

Streams flowing from the Corvallis Forest and the Siuslaw National Forest are increasing in turbidity...enough to qualify as impaired under the Clean Water Act. But the city is in denial . . .

What's New???  Check it out...

As I See It, Op-ed by Chris Beatty
Corvallis Forest: "A jewel worth protecting"

Corvallis Gazette-Times, June 25, 2024

We're Front-Page News!!!!!!

"Corvallis Updating Forest Plan: Some groups call the city's process flawed," by Kosiso Ugwuede, Corvallis Gazette-Times 05/30/24

Then write a letter to the editor!
Next Corvallis Forest Stewardship Plan Task Force meeting: Wed., July 24, 5 - 7 pm. Register to attend on-line here.
Meeting details here.
Turbidity increasing in Rock Creek's drinking water supply
Data scientist's turbidity analysis shows disturbing water quality trend, while water use plummets in 2 creek
Andy Kerr's blog about logging & drinking water:
One of Oregon's best known conservationists cites Friends of the Watershed in his recent public lands blog.


Watershed science articles now on-line:
Our clickable science bibliography with peer-reviewed science & government documents:

Public Works appoints new task force member:

Without publicly announcing the vacancy left by the former chair's resignation, Public Works appointed a new task force member who works for the forest products industry and has never attended a task force meeting. One current task force member has written a letter objecting to the process.

Six enviro groups object to city's appointment process:

Oregon Chapter of the Sierra Club, Audubon Society, Great Old Broads, Friends of OSU Old-growth, Benton Forest Coalition & Friends of the Corvallis Watershed signed a letter to Mayor Maughan, objecting to City Council allowing Public Works to take over the appointment process to this policy-making  CFSPU Task Force. Jim Fairchild has also written a letter to city council. No response was received.

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